Monday, August 10, 2009

Commission Update

Hey everyone! Just a quick line to tell you I'm still accepting commissions!

I thought I would share a couple of the drawings that already went out:

Hope you like them! :)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It's That (McNinja) Time Again!

Yes, friends, it's here: the new and exciting third volume of The Adventures of Dr. McNinja! I was happy to repeat my duties as cover artist for the good doctor.

We did a lot of research before I started illustrating the cover this time, so we had a really clear idea of what we wanted. Basically, the cover is a recreation of two old movie posters:

We loved the composition of "Plan 9 From Outer Space", but preferred the toxic, fiery color palette of "First Spaceship On Venus". So we decided to combine these two elements into a new, more ninja-like design!

Dr. McNinja in the space helmet was a given:

But then we also had to decide which scenes from the book we wanted to showcase. We knew we had to feature the Ben Franklin Thriller routine:
(Incidentally, I don't think Ben ever looked better!)

Finally, we wanted to reference the training sequence with Gordito and Dark Smoke Puncher:

(Fun fact: I posed for both Gordito and DSP! I think I've found an alternative career posing as prepubescent/adolescent boys.)

All of these elements together made for a pretty cool front cover! After that, we just needed to design the back. I loved the colored squares on the bottom of the "'Venus" poster; apart from the aesthetics, I thought the captions underneath struck the perfect chord. I had a lot of fun writing the new ones for this book!

Last, but not least, title design was courtesy of George Baier IV, who also helped layout the interior of the book!

Put it all together, and what do you get?


The book is up for pre-order right now at! The pre-order comes with all sorts of goodies! Did I mention it's the biggest volume of Dr. McNinja yet? What are you waiting for? ;)

Friday, July 03, 2009


I keep forgetting to post this! A while ago I tried to submit for Udon's Darkstalker book; I never really finished the image the way I wanted to, but I submitted it anyway (it didn't make it in, not surprisingly). I'm still fairly pleased with how the characters came out, though, so I thought I'd share them!

Friday, June 26, 2009


I have a guest strip up today at Wondermark! Malki(!) is a great friend and considerate house guest. He's also something of a mad genius, so when he asks you to do something I find it's in your best interests to buck up and do it! I had a lot of fun with this, though it's a bit tinier than I originally wanted; I'll probably be posting a higher resolution version of it here soon!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Piece!

It just occurred to me that I never posted a picture of the piece I did for New Moon! How silly!!

Here it is! (Sans frame)

And here's a lovely shot of it on the wall, next to Scott C.'s Dog Amongst Dogs, taken by Steve Talkowski (AKA Sketchbot).

The piece is still available on the myplasticheart website (cough, cough!), though I'm not sure for how long. EDIT: This piece has sold!

Thanks again to John Wong, who curated the show, and to Kano for suggesting me!

Monday, June 08, 2009


I have a guest comic up at Dinosaur Comics today! When a fellow like Ryan North asks you for a favor, you don't even think about it. You just immediately say, "yes" and then silently expect compensation. (I have yet to receive any remuneration).

Thursday, April 02, 2009

An Update!

Guys, I am in ANOTHER show! I can basically not believe my good fortune, but there you have it.

I am really excited to be included with such talented artists, and I hope the whole internet comes to Myplasticheart Gallery in NYC on Friday, April 10th to buy my piece enjoy the opening!!

This, in combination with other projects I have been working on, is the reason I haven't been updating. I'm not allowed to show my piece online until after the opening, which is why you should all come to see it!! 

I'll also be starting on a new Dr. McNinja book cover soon, so keep your eyes peeled!