I was going to wait until I was done with Maggie to start on the Thom painting, but I couldn't help myself! I'm going to keep the look of this one less photorealistic and more sketcherly for a change. I hope it doesn't suck!
UPDATE: Okay, so Lauren and I both like it with the sketchy body, and I'm sorely tempted to keep it this way. And yet...
What do YOU (the American public!) think?
EDIT (again): Toned down his hands. Yay!
EDIT EDIT (again again): Dimmed the wrist and added painted gradient to bg (much thanks to Xan at drawingboard.org for his ideas!!)

awesome painting!
your too damn good!
stop that!
i gotta learn how to paint... this is gorgeous
holy crap! look at all these updates i missed. Eff! sorry.
this stuff looks great carly. keep it up. seriously.
Wow... this looks pretty awesome.
Keep going! Great start! Thanks for your comment.
hey little buddy! That's some really good paintin!
Yeah nice pose, nice loose lines on the body, yeah yeah yeah she loves you.
Wow, your faces... Hot damn. Is this based on photo ref? I've never seen Thom Yorke look like he was having this much fun!
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